10 Tips for Easy and Fast Blog Content

6 min readMar 1, 2019

In this article, I’ve compiled 10 tips for easy and fast blog content, because not every blogger has 8 hours a day to write new articles for one or more blogs.
Many bloggers are usually working, are self-employed or still go to school or university. That’s why my 10 tips show how to quickly and easily create new blog content. I look forward to your feedback, your experiences, and your tips.

1. Conduct interviews
Interviews are a classic way of creating content for your blog by others. Particularly if the own website is already established, one has a good reputation in the industry and many visitors visit it every day, interview partners are relatively easy to find.

In addition, you can easily and quickly create a series of questions (max 7–10) that you use again and again, at least as a base. To make the interview a bit more individual, you can add 2–3 specific questions for each interviewee that relate to that person’s website, business, products, etc.

Now formulate a nice mail with the questions to 10 people. The half will mostly answer and provide free content for their own blog. Then it’s time to optimize the questions and make a change, and the game starts again. In addition, the interview partners often like to link the interview and share it on Facebook and Co. That also provides backlinks.

Time required: low

2. Review other websites, blogs, or services
Another way to easily and quickly create new content in your blog is through reviews. Other sites (blogs or, for example, online services) are great for this purpose. These are freely accessible (not like books or other paid products) and have another advantage.The owner of the reviewed website or blog will usually feel flattered and like to link to the review. If the review is not so positive, the chances are not bad that a response of the webmasters comes and that means a link and traffic. Of course, you can also specialize reviews from other sites. If your blog is e.g. about layout and design, one could analyze the design of other websites/blogs. Overall, you should be more positive and not necessarily make other websites down. First, you
don’t make friends with it and secondly, legal responses can quickly follow, as you cannot make any claims on the internet. Imagine sitting opposite the webmaster/blogger. Then you’ll think twice about how and what you write. Incidentally, this method also makes it very easy to establish contacts with other website operators and bloggers, which can later pay off.

3. Start blog parade
Any webmaster who wants to bring more visitors to his site is ready to do something about it. This can be done by exploiting so-called blog parades (formerly called blog carnivals). These are actions in which many bloggers each write a contribution to a given topic in a certain period of
time. The initiator of the blog parade has the great advantage of repeatedly reporting on it. He can post before the start, at the start, during the blog parade and then over and over again, providing content. Simple and fast content like interim announcement, how many bloggers have already
participated etc.

In the end, a blog parade pays even more, as you get many thematically appropriate links on your own blog. The participants usually link to the organizer’s blog.

Time required: medium

4. Controversial content
Many bloggers and webmasters are really nice people. Nevertheless, it is advisable sometimes to publish controversial content, as this usually causes more attention. You only have to look at which topics TV stations and print media prefer to report in order to achieve a high audience rating or circulation. The particular advantage of controversial posts is that, as experience shows, more readers will comment on it, and comments are nothing more than content. In addition, such content often gets
more backlinks than normal posts.

Also with controversial posts, you should be careful. You should think twice about what you write and do not beat the strings.

Time required: low

5. Collect top items
This is a very easy and quick way to get new content for your blog by reading many other blogs
yourself. Simply collect interesting articles and posts that you encounter while reading and make
regular blog posts.

The authors of the listed posts are pleased about a link. All you need to do is write a short comment or your opinion on each link/news item, and many readers will appreciate it if you remove the search for the best posts and news from your industry. So it is actually a win-win situation for all who take part in it.

In addition, the linked websites, blogs, and companies like to share such content on Facebook
and Co.

Time required: low

6. Off-topic content
Many thematically defined bloggers will only shake their heads over this tip, but for all others, it is certainly interesting. Take advantage of the latest trends and write about something that comes from your life or just interests you.

There are many successful bloggers who write about their restaurant visits or publish funny videos. Of course, the actual content of the blog should be in the foreground, but a thematic relaxation is quickly written and interesting for many readers.

Here you can also orient on popular topics. For example, many visitors like posts about Google,
Apple or Microsoft. Even current sports events are good hangers.

Time required: medium

7. Start a new project and report about it
Start your own project and write something about it every day. This is fast and easy because you are so busy anyway. In addition, such reports are always very interesting for the target group in

So whether you rebuild old motorcycles or rebuild an online store. Write about how the project
works, what you have learned and how successful you are.

Time required: low (writing about it, not the project)

8. Comment on current events
By commenting on current events, you can create fast, up-to-date and interesting content. And
interesting news run daily on our way. You usually have an opinion too.

So always remember any news or event in your work or private life, which fits thematically to your blog and write this including your opinion in a blog article.

Time required: low

9. Organize and evaluate surveys
Surveys are a great way to strengthen the contact with your readers and learn more about the wishes of those. Moreover, surveys are also good for easy and quick creating of content for your own blog or website.

You can write an article to start a survey, an interim report and an evaluation of the results (in the ideal case, the survey itself also brought new content ideas). The possibilities to receive comments through surveys come to it.

Time required: low

10. Use and revise existing content

If the “I have no article ideas” effect occurs, it usually takes a couple of months and you can access a number of your own blog articles. Here it makes sense to rework the already written articles or present brief summaries to the readers.

Therefore, it is conceivable to list the best articles on the subject of “search engine optimization”, “make money”; or whatever again together and write a few words about it. This is known as Sneeze Pages. Especially new readers don’t know the older posts and are happy about such a “review”

In addition, one can and should eventually update the older content or expand, because even articles on timeless topics obsolete at some point.

Time required: medium

Bonus tips for simple blog content
It is highly recommended to write several articles in a row. Once you’re in the flow of writing, you’ll be able to write more text in less time. This is more efficient than getting in the mood for writing again every day, and when you’re in the middle of it, it’s time to quit.

Here comes the draft feature of WordPress just right. It can collect not only ideas but also already formulated and not yet published articles. They can then be published automatically on a specific day and time. Especially for the holiday season that is very useful.
But you should not forget that a successful blog has a good mix of detailed and thus elaborate articles (so-called pillar articles) and simple and quickly created content. You won’t be successful with simple and fast content only.

What tips for simple blog content do you have?
Of course, I would be very interested to know what tips and experiences regarding simple and fast blog content you have.




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